Bookplate 1
- BOOKPLATE: PAUL GANLEY - A black ink and gray pencil drawing on a 9 x 12 size vellum paper. This bookplate drawing was commissioned by Paul Ganley in 1976.
Writing a book is not easy, most people can't do it, including the most educated. But here I am, trying to write what amounts to one, just to please myself. And one of my problems is dealing with punctuation. A friend of mine, Joe Wrzos, having been an English teacher has pointed out my errors in punctuation, particularly my use of the "comma". And that's important because the placement of a comma can sometimes completely change the meaning of a statement. As you will see in this case;
Recently, I read the autobiography of the famous western writer, Louis L'Amour, in which he gives this example of the importance of the placement of a comma; "Sarah Bernhardt, a great actress of her time went to see a play featuring actress Eleanora Duse and was so impressed by her performance in act one, that she wrote a note to Duce and had it sent backstage. The note read, "Sarah Bernhardt says Eleanora Duse is a great actress". Duce read it, but was so busy changing costumes for the second act she didn't have time to write a reply, but she quickly put two commas on Bernhardt's note and had it returned to her. Now the note read, 'Sarah Bernhardt, says Eleanor Duse, is a great actress'." The commas turn the compliment the other way around. So, there's a lot to learn about the art of writing, I'm glad I have a good teacher.

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